Meaning of Iwak Peyek

Meaning Iwak Iwak dent dent and lyrics, this song became popular lately so many who want to download the MP3 of his song Iwak dent. What is the meaning Iwak dent it? Iwak that means fried fish and dent. pet fish but the fish here is not the friend rice side dish, so the meaning is Iwak dent his fried rice. This song booming since often sung by Sule in OVJ. Then who first popularized it?

lirik iwak peyek versi tiga macan
arti iwak peyek

arti iwak peyek

Not so clear who first popularized even who created it. It's just that this song often dinyayikan by dangdut singer Mix of East Java region, and sung from stage to stage. mainly by singer eny sagita. Then seriing sung this song in a football stadium primarily by Bonek and Aremania.

in late 2011 the song Iwak dent brought to the studio by three tigers. And triomacan that makes a dent Iwak lokalan menasional not only in eastern Java. although the lyrics Iwak dent version three tigers there is little difference with the original version awa side.
